Jamie Magnus Stone / UK / Romance / 2013 / 21:00 軌道上を周りながら生活する青年とその家族たち。ある日青年が、同じく軌道上を周る一人の少女に恋をした。二人はその「一瞬」のために、すべてを投げ出す決意をする。Earth’s orbit, the distant future, two star-crossed lovers overcome all probabilities and sacrifice all they have in order to spend one perfect moment together. Guillaume Rieu / France / Sci-Fi / 2015 / 15:29 4人の宇宙飛行士が、火星での2年間の調査ミッションを終えようとしている。そのうちの1人がある重大な発見をし、地球の人々に隠さなければならない状況に追い込まれるが、その後事態は急展開を迎える。Four astronauts, assisted by a robot, are stationed on Mars in an underground base for a two-year mission. They have among others the task of studying the possible mining ressources. While an unexpected discovery will make them face serious responsibilities towards Earth, they are victims of violent hallucinations. Sam Shapson & A.J. Sheeran / USA / Drama / 2012 / 10:46 母を亡くした少年は一人の少女に出会う。彼女の宇宙船は、死んだ人たちの魂が存在する星へと連れて行ってくれるんだと言うが…After his mother’s passing, a boy turns to a girl who claims her spaceship can take him to a planet for separted souls. 八代 健志 / Japan / Animation / 2015 / 25:00 森の中に暮らす少年とその家族のもとに「月のリス」が突然現れた。
プログラム一覧へ軌道の上の恋Orbit Ever After
現在は長編を構想中。Jamie was UK’s 2012 Screen ‘Star of Tomorrow’. Hailing from Scotland, his multi award-winning work encompasses documentaries, animation and live-action drama. He has won a Scottish BAFTA (plus four nominations), and his graduation film “Skyborn” was nominated for the 2012 Student Academy Award.
英国アカデミー賞 2014 短編映画ノミネート
グラスコー映画祭 2014 (スコットランド) Encounters International Film Festival 2013 (UK) Grand Prix
BFI 2014 (UK)
Glasgow Film Festival 2014 (Scotland)火星と4人の宇宙飛行士Mars IV
木の上の家The Treehouse
A.J. Sheeran
A.J. はシカゴ・コロンビアカレッジで演出を専攻。現在はロサンゼルスを基盤に、フリーランスの編集、監督業を手掛けている。Sam lives in Los Angeles, CA where he works as a freelance assistant director and editor. Also a Columbia College Chicago Film & Video Major, he grew up in Milwaukee, WI, where his high school films gained scholastic and festival recognition. He’s worked as a Production Assistant for various industry employers including NBCUniversal, Disney, Sony, and Warner Brothers. In his recent collaboration with music video director Mike Diva, Sam co-directed and edited a horror short “Thresher” as a part of a competition sponsored by Guillermo Del Toro for a deal with Legendary Pictures.
A.J. studied Film & Video at Columbia College Chicago, where he wrote screenplays while moonlighting at places like the Onion’s A.V. Club and the Chicago International Children’s Film Festival. He now lives and works in Los Angeles.
deadCENTER 映画祭 2013 (アメリカ)最優秀学生映画賞
ファンタジア国際映画祭 2013(カナダ)
シカゴ批評家映画祭 2013(アメリカ)Emerging Filmmakers部門第2位
サンホセ国際映画祭 2013(アメリカ) Austin Film Festival 2012 (USA)
deadCENTER Film Festival 2013 (USA) Winner “Best Student Film”
Fantasia International Film Festival 2013 (Canada)
Chicago Critics Film Festival 2013 (USA) Winner “Emerging Filmmakers, 2nd Place”
San Jose International Short Film Festival 2013 (USA)眠れない夜の月Moon of Sleepless Night
少年とリスの、月を探す冒険の旅がはじまる。When the moon gets stuck in a tree and leaves the town in eternal night, a Squirrel of the Moon and a young boy of the forest embark on a journey to help free the moon.
美術制作、アニメートも手がけ、手作り感のあるストップモーションアニメーションを得意とする。Originally from Akita, Takeshi Yashiro graduated from the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music and currently works as a TV commercial director. On top of visual art production and animation, he is especially talented with stop-motion animation.
ショートショート フィルムフェスティバル & アジア 2016 ジャパン部門優秀賞(東京都知事賞)4K Tokushima Film Festival 2015 (Japan)
Hiroshima Animation Film Festival 2016 (Japan)
Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2016 (Japan) Best Short Award for Japan Competition (Governor of Tokyo Award)